Published on March 3, 2009 By whatshesaid In Life

I love Made Of Honor.

I have always loved that show, and I never get sick of watching it.
Partly because I love Patrick Dempsey, and I love Michelle Monaghan. and partly because the story tugs my heart.

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I've always loved the concept of having a guy best friend. I have always loved one. I've always wanted one, without getting involved with him.
But on the other hand, I love the idea of falling in love with my best friend. I mean, if you're gonna fall in love, why not someone close ?
To me, falling in love with your best friend, and having him fall for you back, that's as lucky as you'll get.
You already have someone who understands you, who is the milk to your oreos, your red Skittles, your Maltesers, you know what I mean ?
And falling in love with each other is just the icing on top of the cake. It's the ultimate best thing that can happen to anyone.
A best friend is already a huge part of your life. And then he fills it out more, by being your everything. I love that idea.
It almost chips away at my iron clad facade, it almost makes me feel like a newborn again, like I've never been in love, like I've never been jaded and damaged by it, like it's possible for me to believe that all these wonderful things can happen.

"Six Saturdays. Six Saturdays without you, what am I gonna do ?"

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