Published on March 3, 2009 By whatshesaid In Life

I hate this.

I hate it, I hate it so much when people abuse or misuse the word love. I do, I really do. I hate it when people go around spewing “I love you”s to others, not knowing what it holds, not knowing what it means, not knowing the significance and the beauty behind it. They just say it because they think that oh you know, she’s my girlfriend and so I must say it to her or she thinks I don’t care and vice versa. THAT IS STUPID. IT’S BEYOND STUPID. not to mention degrading ! Just because you’ve never felt likt this for anyone before, doesn’t mean it’s love. If only it was so simple, we’d never have to worry about not finding anyone in our lives for us anymore.

And why the hell, do I sound like a 13 year old angsty teenge girl ?

I just find it so revoltingly degrading, that people go around saying that to everyone else, without understanding what it takes, what burden you have to carry, how it liberates you, and the numerous sacrifices you’d have to make in order to make things work. It pisses me off, to hear people use it so lackadaisically. I swear I just want to punch them in their faces and tell them to get out of my face before I pull another punch.

on Mar 03, 2009

I hate it when people go around spewing “I love you”s to others, not knowing what it holds, not knowing what it means, not knowing the significance and the beauty behind it.

In some languages there is only one word for "like" and "love". In others both words exist but the border between the meanings is not where it an English speaker expects it.



on Mar 03, 2009

In some languages there is only one word for "like" and "love". In others both words exist but the border between the meanings is not where it an English speaker expects it.

Gee, thanks Cliffy!

on Mar 15, 2009

thanks for the input guys.